Thursday, December 18, 2014

Real Talk

Elizabeth Grant was the reason I could say it all. I needed this class, but now I need to tie up a few loose ends.

To the tourists- I hope one day you find Paris, but really, I hope you find yourself.

To the hopeful- Thank you. Your posts kept me going.

To the not-so-hopeful- There was so much comfort in knowing I wasn't alone.  

To the real- You inspired me the most.

To Nelson- Thank you for showing me how to have a balance between happy and sad even though I didn't do the best job, it was something I needed to learn. Thank you for commenting and believing in us. Thank you for sharing Paris. 
  • If you really knew me you'd know jokes make me very very happy. 
  • If you really knew me you'd know I've kissed 15 people but haven't kissed in four months next week. (silent cheers)
  • If you really knew me you'd know I have clinical depression.
  • If you really knew me you'd know I don't want to fall in love, but someday I hope I do.
  • If you really knew me you'd know I care a little too much about money and wish I didn't.
  • If you really knew me you'd know Buffets scare the hell out of me.
  • If you really knew me you'd know I don't swear but I enjoy saying Hell in big crowds.
  • If you really knew me you'd know I love Miley Cyrus (you're cringing it's okay).
  • If you really knew me you'd know hugs and making new friends are my absolute favorite.

-Malone Hansen

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Grateful for the moments that I am more than the space between my ears. 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Don't Forget

I don't remember much, she told me things can do that to you, make your past seem like a bunch of memories coated in fog and T.V. static.

But I do remember her scream laugh, and how four year-old's eyes hold the most life.

I remember June 2nd and the three months of silence that followed. I remember when you told me to lie about my feelings.

I remember hearing my mom cry. I remember not being able to find my phone. I remember promising not to look at my phone but, that I still did. I remember having to wait until dad got home. I remember my mom shoving as many tissues as she could into her pockets. I remember not being able to breathe but somehow having the air to sing on his lawn. I remember being mad at the funeral because they all showed up and pretended to know him. I remember shaking.

I may forget it all,


I'll never forget A1 steak sauce and the name Myrtle.

I'll never forget going to my parents bedroom as a 17 year old because I couldn't sleep.

I'll never forget the year I got a Lava Lamp for Christmas.

I'll never forget the day I realized I was going to have to work very hard if I wanted to be happy, and no matter how long it took, one day, I would be happy.

You may forget me, but I will never forget you.